How Important is Breakfast?
We have always heard about the major three meals of the day Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner and their importance. We all know that among these three Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and The MOST IGNORED MEAL also.
There are so many excuses for skipping the MOST IMPORTANT MEAL like getting late for school, office, meeting, appointments and we generally say TIME NAHI HOTA. On the top of every excuse, people avoid the Breakfast to shed some weight.
But we forget, to do all the functions of the Day properly, we need energy and Breakfast provide sthat fuel to our body.
Below are some important facts about Breakfast.
- Keeps Control on Blood Sugar Level: our body has been starved from last more than 10 hours, Blood Sugar has dropped of during sleeping, to replenish it Breakfast is IMPORTANT
- Keeps us more focused on our work otherwise we generally count the hours, minutes before lunch time as we are hungry and it prevents us to focus on our work
- Provides essential nutrients like fibre and proteins which gives us the feeling of satisfaction fro longer time
- Helps in shedding calories as we do not land ourselves in the heavy evening snack and Dinner
I agree in the Rat race of life, we do lots of the thing she unwillingly and Breakfast skipping is one of the aspect of it but it costs too much on our Health.
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