Potatoes Lead to Weight Gain: Myth
Mr. Potato is always standing out of the queue if we talk about weight loss.
Is Potato a really bad option for weight loss?
I know it will be surprising for many of us, but yes, it is not a bad option.
Potatoes are always considered as unhealthy because of its high energy and calorie content. On the contrary, white potatoes are rich in starch (complex carbohydrate, good for weight loss), Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and fiber.
Yes, they become unhealthy when eating with butter, cream, cheese, in fried form etc. and eating an inappropriate portion.
For weight loss, complex carbohydrates are being prescribed as they help to maintain the satiety level for a longer period of time, and potatoes are the best options.
So, keep enjoying potatoes but in moderate quantity and in boiled forms.
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